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The Space In Between meditation by Jevon Dangeli

Meditation made easy!

Experiencing the ‘Space-In-Between’, aka Open Awareness, is healing and empowering for mind-body-spirit.


In this Open Awareness session – recorded at a live Authentic Self Empowerment Facilitator Training – Jevon Dängeli guides you to experience a serene state of mind and a sense of being deeply interconnected with everything in life.

By listening to this guided meditation, you’ll learn how to diffuse mental noise and release tension from your body, which helps to strengthen your immune system and enables you to approach stressful situations mindfully. You may even discover your Authentic Self.

Make sure that you won’t be disturbed for the duration of this session (23 minutes), sit comfortably, press ‘play’ and enjoy…



Download the Space-In-Between guided process

> For more guided meditations like this, visit this website’s free resources area.

> Read an article on the value of being in the ‘Space-In-Between’ (a.k.a. Open Awareness) here.

> Watch a free Open Awareness training video here.

Transpersonal Psychology article by Jevon Dängeli — MSc Transpersonal Psychology

Article by Jevon Dängeli — MSc Transpersonal Psychology

Transpersonal psychology is a school of psychology that integrates the spiritual and transcendent aspects of the human experience with the framework of modern psychology. It is also possible to define it as a “spiritual psychology”.

According to the Transpersonal Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society, “Transpersonal Psychology addresses the spiritual nature of humankind. Unlike religion and theology, its interest centres on the mind and behaviour; hence it is a branch of Psychology. All the major spiritual and mystical traditions of the world incorporate teachings about the nature of mind and promote behavioural practices intended – amongst other goals – to bring about psychological transformations. Transpersonal psychology addresses these teachings and practices, researching their value and evaluating their relationships to ideas promulgated in Psychology. In essence Transpersonal Psychology seeks to integrate non-scientific spiritual insights with observations and models associated with the rigorous methodological approach of psychological science.”

The transpersonal is defined as “experiences in which the sense of identity or self extends beyond (trans) the individual or personal to encompass wider aspects of humankind, life, psyche or cosmos” (Walsh & Vaughn, 1993). It has also been defined as “development beyond conventional, personal or individual levels” (Scotton, 1996).

Issues considered in transpersonal psychology include spiritual self-development, self beyond the ego, peak experiences, mystical experiences, systemic trance, spiritual crises, spiritual evolution, religious conversion, altered states of consciousness, spiritual practices, and other sublime and/or unusually expanded experiences of living. The discipline attempts to describe and integrate spiritual experience within modern psychological theory and to formulate new theory to encompass such experience.

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Open Awareness

Open Awareness is an Authentic Self Empowerment (ASE) skill Dissolve stressful thoughts and enhance mental performance with one simple skill – opening the aperture of your awareness.

Written by Jevon Dängeli

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
– Albert Einstein –

(Free Open Awareness audio and video resources below)

A majority of my clients (in coaching and therapy) have suffered from the symptoms of stress, anxiety and burnout. In listening to how most of these clients have described their personal issues in their most challenging contexts, I consistently detected a particular pattern that was almost always present. After a careful and long-term assessment, I established that this pattern played a crucial role in how these individuals were being negatively affected. The discovery was that this pattern involved a particular way in which these individuals focused on their situations or how they were focusing on a specific object of reference in the challenging context. This focus was always narrowly fixated, thus these individuals were usually unaware of what else was possible or achievable in those situations or contexts. Even if they were aware of other possibilities, their locked in ways of approaching the situation prevented them from establishing more resourceful perceptions and responses. In one sense, their problems remained problems largely because of tunnel awareness. Continue Reading

(Read the article – Open Awareness

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Healing Attention & Treating Pain video with Jevon Dängeli

Pain is a message from your body to change how you pay attention.

A medical doctor at this ASE Facilitator training commented that “all physical illnesses or symptoms have some metaphysical component”. Jevon’s response addresses how ASE healing interventions work on both the physical and metaphysical level simultaneously.

You will learn how to identify the symptom’s message and how to enhance your self healing potential through focussing your attention in a specific way.

Jevon also describes how the ASE approach differs from traditional hypnotherapy and is similar to Ericksonian hypnotherapy. Continue Reading

Be free of panic attacks and performance anxiety with this simple 2-step technique…
Eliminate panic attacks and performance anxiety with this simple 2-step technique...STEP 1: Open the aperture of your awareness
This means broadening your current perspective in order to see the bigger picture and experience an expanded sense of self.
For panic attacks or performance anxiety to occur, you need to keep your attention on something that causes you to have the unwanted thoughts and feelings. In such cases attention is fixated (tunnel awareness) either on the undesired aspect of the situation that’s unfolding, or the negative self talk that’s running in our mind, or both. In both scenarios, the skill of open awareness immediately inhibits the body’s stress mode (fight or flight) and calms the mind.
Peripheral awareness is one the Authentic Self Empowerment skills. The optimal version of this skill to deal with both panic attacks and performance anxiety is the one that listeners are guided through in this audio recording. Once you have listened to the recording a few times and practiced it by yourself at least once per day for a week, then you will begin to find that you can drop into the state of peripheral awareness quite swiftly and effortlessly. The more you practice it, the more it becomes your natural reflex in challenging situations (which is when you need it most).
Eliminate panic attacks and performance anxiety with this simple 2-step technique...STEP 2: Roll out the red carpet

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Holding The Space

Holding The Space recording guided by Jevon DängeliBecome the catalyst for healing and transformation to occur naturally…

In this audio recording (12 min) of a session that Jevon guided at a live ASE Facilitator Training, you will experience yourself and others on an energetic level while learning how to “hold the space” that enables deep rapport.

After listening to this recording you will know how to establish the OMNI (Open Mind New Ideas) perspective in the presence of others. This skill enables you to sense people’s intrinsic needs and respond to them appropriately.

Having the OMNI perspective, means being highly present with a sharpened intuition while simultaneously attuned to your external environment. The boundary between subject and object becomes permeable and consciousness of our intrinsic interconnectedness with everything is activated. This can be liberating and healing in regard to both relationship and performance issues.

Listening to this recording and participating in the process together with at least one other person in the same room is recommended, otherwise you will have to imagine others in the room with you (at a certain point in the process). Continue Reading

Living Your MessageIn this video (14 min) of a presentation to students from 16 countries, Jevon Dängeli outlines how to identify and express your core message.

We all have a message to share with the world, or at least something important to articulate in certain contexts.
This video shows you how to:

  • Identify your vision and the best words to describe it.
  • Speak with authenticity and congruence.
  • Establish rapport with any audience.
  • Present to people across cultures.
  • Integrate appropriate metaphors.
  • Remain centred and grounded.
  • Use body language effectively.
  • Live your message!

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Transformational stories in coaching, therapy & training with Jevon DängeliIn this video (filmed at a live ASE Facilitator Training) Jevon Dängeli teaches and demonstrates how to use metaphor and transformational stories in coaching, therapy and training contexts.

You will learn how to:

– Tell meaningful stories with charisma.
– Create or select appropriate stories for particular audiences.
– How to make sessions and presentations fun and memorable.
– Utilise and leverage the metaphors that clients use to describe their issues.
– Bring about ecological change in the unconscious mind of your client or audience.
– Get your listeners to associate into the story and identify with the relevant character.
– Integrate “open loops” in order to establish appropriate states amongst your listeners.
– Include “thresholds” in stories so that your listeners take ownership of their outcomes.

The content of this video is multilayered. You will have experiences on various levels, while learning how to use transformational stories for positive impact.
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Mindfulness Meditation - guided by Jevon Dängeli (free)Uplifting body, mind and spirit…

In this mindfulness meditation (15:40 minutes) recorded at a live Authentic Self Empowerment Facilitator Training, Jevon Dängeli guides you to experience yourself beyond ego. The meditation expands your perception and leaves you in a peaceful state, feeling deeply interconnected with everyone and everything in the present.

Sit comfortably and click on the play button below to be guided through this meditation now…

Plus, this is more than a meditation, you will also gain a simple skill to maintain a resourceful state in stressful situations.

On The Verge!.
You’ve either been there or you’re going to be there – On The Verge!

In this video Jevon Dängeli graphically demonstrates the result of NOT following our intrinsic impulses!

Relevant and encouraging…with a twist…

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THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVINGFree Authentic Self Empowerment (ASE) tips & training resources delivered to your inbox.

ASE enables you to transcend the ego states that limit your personal, professional and spiritual growth. These recordings teach practical skills and facilitate guided processes that create inner alignment – bringing more of You to Life!

Discover how to access fresh perspectives and empowering states of consciousness as well as the means to apply them purposefully… Continue Reading
