ASE Audios Archives -

Free Open Awareness Resources

Open Awareness (OA) is an expansive perception that promotes a resourceful state and the following qualities:

  • Introspection – metacognitive awareness in which we can mindfully observe mental activities, emotions and somatic experience
  • Outrospection – heightened awareness of others and the ways that we relate to them, which cultivates empathy and compassion
  • Envirospection – broad awareness of the space around us which connects us to everything in the environment and the cosmos

Applied OA is naturally eco-logical – beneficial for you, others, and the world (win-win-win).

Discover more in the links below:

Training Videos

Training Videos





Open Awareness for Change Initiative

OA for Change Project

Open Awareness Handbook

Open Awareness

Open Awareness Journal Publications

Open Awareness Holarchy

Jumi (judo mind) training videos

Open Awareness

Open Awareness post-conference resources

Open Awareness


The resources listed below are for those who attended the open awareness lecture and/or jumi (judo mind) workshop presented by Jevon Dangeli at the 2018 European Transpersonal Association conference in St Petersburg.


Those who were not at the conference are also welcome to access these resources:


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The roots of emotional and psychosomatic disorders

Stan Grof on emotional and psychosomatic disordersOver 60 years of research by Stan Grof, M.D., Ph.D., indicates that emotional and psychosomatic disorders always have peri-natal, pre-natal and transpersonal origins.


This 4-part presentation by Jevon Dangeli outlines Stan Grof’s perspective on the underlying factors that give rise to emotional and psychosomatic disorders.

This presentation is on a piece of the content from the article – The Healing Potential of Transpersonal Coaching

Stanislav Grof is a Czech psychiatrist, one of the founders of the field of transpersonal psychology and a researcher into the use of non-ordinary states of consciousness for purposes of exploring, healing, and obtaining growth and insights into the human psyche.  Continue Reading

‘Space-In-Between’ MeditationIn this meditation, Jevon Dängeli guides you to experience the space between you and all your experiences and the space between you and everything in existence!

Becoming aware of “the space” of your awareness through the process of this unique meditation, enables you to dissociate from any limiting identifications that might hold you back in life, while cultivating a profound sense of interconnection with the source of wellbeing in your life.

Make sure that you won’t be disturbed for the duration of this session (14 minutes), sit comfortably, press ‘play’ and enjoy….

If you liked this meditation, then you will enjoy listening to Jevon’s Space-In-Between Meditation 1.

The Space In Between meditation by Jevon Dangeli

Meditation made easy!

Experiencing the ‘Space-In-Between’, aka Open Awareness, is healing and empowering for mind-body-spirit.


In this Open Awareness session – recorded at a live Authentic Self Empowerment Facilitator Training – Jevon Dängeli guides you to experience a serene state of mind and a sense of being deeply interconnected with everything in life.

By listening to this guided meditation, you’ll learn how to diffuse mental noise and release tension from your body, which helps to strengthen your immune system and enables you to approach stressful situations mindfully. You may even discover your Authentic Self.

Make sure that you won’t be disturbed for the duration of this session (23 minutes), sit comfortably, press ‘play’ and enjoy…



Download the Space-In-Between guided process

> For more guided meditations like this, visit this website’s free resources area.

> Read an article on the value of being in the ‘Space-In-Between’ (a.k.a. Open Awareness) here.

> Watch a free Open Awareness training video here.

Holding The Space

Holding The Space recording guided by Jevon DängeliBecome the catalyst for healing and transformation to occur naturally…

In this audio recording (12 min) of a session that Jevon guided at a live ASE Facilitator Training, you will experience yourself and others on an energetic level while learning how to “hold the space” that enables deep rapport.

After listening to this recording you will know how to establish the OMNI (Open Mind New Ideas) perspective in the presence of others. This skill enables you to sense people’s intrinsic needs and respond to them appropriately.

Having the OMNI perspective, means being highly present with a sharpened intuition while simultaneously attuned to your external environment. The boundary between subject and object becomes permeable and consciousness of our intrinsic interconnectedness with everything is activated. This can be liberating and healing in regard to both relationship and performance issues.

Listening to this recording and participating in the process together with at least one other person in the same room is recommended, otherwise you will have to imagine others in the room with you (at a certain point in the process). Continue Reading

Mindfulness Meditation - guided by Jevon Dängeli (free)Uplifting body, mind and spirit…

In this mindfulness meditation (15:40 minutes) recorded at a live Authentic Self Empowerment Facilitator Training, Jevon Dängeli guides you to experience yourself beyond ego. The meditation expands your perception and leaves you in a peaceful state, feeling deeply interconnected with everyone and everything in the present.

Sit comfortably and click on the play button below to be guided through this meditation now…

Plus, this is more than a meditation, you will also gain a simple skill to maintain a resourceful state in stressful situations.

Expanding Self Awareness - guided process MP3Becoming “Bodyful” is Beautiful.

In this audio recording (19 min) of a live session at an Authentic Self Empowerment Facilitator Training, Jevon guides you through the ASE “Bodyfulness” process (which is a version of the open awareness approach).

This session helps you to embody a mindful perspective and cultivate an expanded self awareness to the point where there are no barriers and no resistance to experiencing the present moment fully from an integrated point of view.

Expanding the sense of self in the way it is facilitated in this recording results in a broader perspective of oneself in relation to the events in one’s life (past, present and future) which in turn promotes healing and transformation.

download free 'bodyfulness' mp3



To watch the free training video where Jevon explains where, when and how to facilitate the process in this recording, log in visit this link.

What is Bodyfulness?
Bodyfulness is a word used to appeal to those who have been misdirected by a distorted concept of mind – in order to offer them the embodied experience of mindfulness (as in the recording above).

What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is body-centred (not self-centred) awareness. Experiencing the present moment somatically promotes the actualisation of one’s Authentic Self – from which insight, emotional freedom and compassion arises.  

Authentic Self Empowerment developed by Jevon Dangeli

Experience Your Self Beyond Limits

Anything is possible when we’re unlimited…
This mind expanding and transformative session was recorded at one of our live Authentic Self Empowerment (ASE) Facilitator courses where Jevon Dängeli guides the group through the basic ASE process.
Make sure you won’t be disturbed while listening (16 min), then sit comfortably and enjoy being guided to experience your Authentic Self.

Download the ASE guided process (mp3)



Watch a free training video where Jevon describes how our minds (and lives) are controlled by our conditioned conception of time and space – and learn a way in which we can achieve the subjective experience of transcending time and space in order to establish a level of awareness that is less conditioned and therefore more authentic.
