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The roots of emotional and psychosomatic disorders

Stan Grof on emotional and psychosomatic disordersOver 60 years of research by Stan Grof, M.D., Ph.D., indicates that emotional and psychosomatic disorders always have peri-natal, pre-natal and transpersonal origins.


This 4-part presentation by Jevon Dangeli outlines Stan Grof’s perspective on the underlying factors that give rise to emotional and psychosomatic disorders.

This presentation is on a piece of the content from the article – The Healing Potential of Transpersonal Coaching

Stanislav Grof is a Czech psychiatrist, one of the founders of the field of transpersonal psychology and a researcher into the use of non-ordinary states of consciousness for purposes of exploring, healing, and obtaining growth and insights into the human psyche.  Continue Reading

Bouncing back from burnout

Bouncing back from burnoutBurnout (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual fatigue) is generally considered to be caused by too much stress over an extended period where one looses hope in achieving a desired goal (Shirom, 1989).

The symptoms of burnout spill over into other areas of the affected person’s life affecting their performance, motivation, personal relationships and social life, and can lead to depression, anxiety and psychosomatic disorders, as well as destructive behaviours toward self and others Continue Reading

The NLP Communication Model

How we internalise our external reality

the NLP perspective

NLP Communication Model
This article introduces the core concepts of the NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Communication Model – which offers a practical explanation as to how we take information from the outside world into our neurology and how that in turn affects our thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

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Mindfulness, Bodyfulness and Open Awareness

Mindfulness, bodyfulness and open awareness Mindfulness, bodyfulness and open awareness are 3 sides of the same coin. This article describes their commonalities and differences, as well as their applications in terms of personal growth and transpersonal development.

As new sicknesses arise and the world’s problems proliferate, it’s clear that new solutions are needed. Many of the significant problems the world faces today, whether personally,- environmentally,- socially,- economically,- and others are issues that stem (at least in part) from a lack of awareness of our multidimensional interrelatedness in the vast web of life. According to Albert Einstein Continue Reading

Transformation in Transpersonal Coaching

Transformation in Transpersonal CoachingWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein

This article outlines how transformation occurs in transpersonal coaching – a specialised form of psychological coaching that involves a dialogical relationship between a coach and client with the intention to resolve issues in the client’s life, by engaging in processes that serve to transcend the client’s self constructs and limiting beliefs.

Consciousness researchers interviewed by National Geographic in 2009 provided compelling evidence in support of what wisdom traditions across cultures have claimed for ages: that certain transpersonal states of consciousness can have healing, transformative and heuristic value Continue Reading

Why Your Life Is Not A Journey

Why Your Life Is Not A JourneyLet’s be honest, 2016 had its ups and its downs!

By seeing life as a journey with a destination to be reached, we may find ourselves constantly climbing up from the downs and slipping down from the ups… year after year…

Is life meant to be a journey?

What if life was more like a dance? 

By seeing life as dance, Continue Reading

Change Management with NLP and The Kotter Model

Change Management with NLP and The Kotter ModelMethods for creating and coping with changes in our personal lives and in organisations.

This article compares a NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) change management approach with The Kotter Change Model and outlines how these two approaches can be combined in order to compliment each other.

In this intensified climate of change, people, businesses and organizations are forced to either become comfortable with change or to suffer the consequences of the stress that change brings. Therefore, Continue Reading

In this expanding self awareness (Open Awareness) process, Jevon Dängeli guides you to experience the interrelatedness between your current state and your past, as well as potential future experiences that influence you in the present.

This is not just a guided meditation, it’s about expanding your sense of self in order to gain insight, as well as deal with challenges more mindfully and resourcefully.

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Healing, Transformation, Personal Development & Spiritual Growth“What you resist, persists.” – Carl Jung

“What you embrace, you can change.” – Jevon Dängeli

“Shadows” (in psychology) are those parts of ourselves that we deny or hide. They are the unconscious aspects of our personality that we project onto others. We can recognise our shadows by identifying situations where we have judged others, without seeing the quality being judged in ourselves.

Carl Jung describes shadows as sub-personalities that were disowned — pushed down into our unconscious as a result of difficult emotional events in childhood, in an attempt to cope. Later in life, when our shadows are triggered, they evoke powerful emotional reactions. Shadows attract people and circumstances into our life — offering us the opportunity to take ownership of these aspects of ourselves — in order to become more integrated and authentic. Continue Reading

the joy of nothing

Who would have thought that joy, bliss and happiness can come out of nothing?

It’s a universal principle that everything comes from nothing. It’s like prior to receiving a surprise gift, you never had the gift, other than merely a potential gift that you knew nothing about in your conscious awareness.

What precedes the existence of material things are the ideas that bring those objects into existence. Prior to those ideas there was nothing besides their potential existence, or, as Dr Brian L. Lancaster suggests (in his book Approaches to Consciousness, 2004), a “preconscious awareness” of their existence. The same principle applies to each person’s present state – in terms of their emotional feelings and motivation level. In other words, your current state of mind came out of nothing. Continue Reading

‘Space-In-Between’ MeditationIn this meditation, Jevon Dängeli guides you to experience the space between you and all your experiences and the space between you and everything in existence!

Becoming aware of “the space” of your awareness through the process of this unique meditation, enables you to dissociate from any limiting identifications that might hold you back in life, while cultivating a profound sense of interconnection with the source of wellbeing in your life.

Make sure that you won’t be disturbed for the duration of this session (14 minutes), sit comfortably, press ‘play’ and enjoy….

If you liked this meditation, then you will enjoy listening to Jevon’s Space-In-Between Meditation 1.

Healing benefits of being in The Void

There is so much for you to discover outside your map of reality…. Find out how being in “The Void” (Open Awareness) can be healing and transformative in this free video.

The Authentic Self Empowerment (ASE) method involves transcending your current concept of reality and accessing “The Void” – a realm in which your consciousness is not limited in any way…

In an expanded and interconnected state where your mind is open and clear, you have the freedom to make fresh and creative choices, plus you are able to tap into your healing and transformative potential. Insights and healing energies from The Void can then be embodied and applied in your life in whichever way is meaningful to you. Continue Reading
