A unique and personalized Trainer Training
Become a Certified and Licensed ASE Trainer with the option to obtain Coach Trainer or Hypnotherapy Trainer certification.
A customized programme for ASE Advanced Facilitators who want to become competent and confident at training and presenting ASE (including NLP and Open Awareness) related courses, events and retreats.
This direct one-on-one training and supervision programme with Jevon Dangeli (onsite and via Zoom) provides all the skills, resources and support that you need to hold your own high quality training for various groups of any size, as well as the option to present ASE and related courses that are organized by us.
Once the theory of effective ASE training has been covered in three initial training sessions (about 90 minutes each via Zoom), you will be invited to assist Jevon at a minimum of one ASE course – where you will gain first-hand experience of how to organize and present all aspects of the ASE course. Following that, you will be invited to co-present at least one ASE course with Jevon, where you will receive feedback on your performance (from the participants and Jevon).
After you have co-presented at least one ASE course, a minimum of two more training sessions (via Zoom) are attended – in which the focus will be on you sharpening your skills in relation to the specific courses and/or events that you envisage presenting yourself. In addition to training competency, special emphasis is given to how you ‘hold space’ to enhance the learning and growth experience for your participants. You then complete a case-study – in which you outline the structure and content of an ASE training, event or retreat (depending on your preference). At least one more Zoom session is dedicated to feedback after your case-study submission as well as building your competence and confidence as a trainer.
Additional training sessions are available for those trainers who want more supervision before presenting their own events, as well as those who want to develop online courses or specialized learning resources. The Trainer Training programme continues until both the participant and Jevon agree that he/she is ready to provide ASE training and related events. ASE Trainer certification is obtained when the trainer can demonstrate teaching ASE at a high level, as well as how to competently organize, present, and ‘hold space’ at all relevant events.
Those Certified ASE Trainers who wish to teach the ASE material or provide ASE retreats and events can obtain a licence to do so. The ASE Trainer Licence fee is 200 Swiss Francs per year, which includes 12 supervision sessions during the year, along with video recordings of the sessions and access to our Supervision Group Forum.
Licensed ASE Trainers also get their professional profile featured in the ASE Trainer Directory, and all the current ASE course content, training structure guidelines, the latest course format, study materials, relevant resources and ongoing support.
Licensed ASE Trainers have permission to grant official ASE certifications to their own course participants. 10% of all the fees paid by participants who attend the ASE certification courses presented by ASE Trainers is to be transferred to the International Association of Coaches, Therapists & Mentors (IACTM) – for which IACTM oversees the structure and content of each event and reviews each participant’s feedback about the event. All legitimate ASE certification training, retreats and related events presented by Licensed ASE Trainers bear the IACTM Stamp of Approval and they are promoted on IACTM’s website and social media.
Licensed ASE Trainers are fully eligible for accreditation from IACTM.
The complete fee is 1 690 Swiss Francs. This includes six Zoom training sessions (1-1 with Jevon), assisting on one course and co-presenting on one course, all learning tools and resources, the ASE Trainer certificate.
Please enquire for more details or to enrol.
Become a Certified Coach Trainer and/or Hypnotherapy Trainer
Those who complete the ASE Trainer Training are eligible to continue the training and supervision programme with Jevon up to Certified Coach Trainer and/or Hypnotherapy Trainer level.
- Certified Coach Trainers can obtain a licence and accreditation (along with all necessary resources and support) to present the Transpersonal Coach Training, as well as their own coaching courses.
- Certified Hypnotherapy Trainers can obtain a licence and accreditation (along with all necessary resources and support) to present the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Practitioner Training, as well as their own hypnotherapy courses.
Please enquire for more details.
My journey with Jevon has been nothing short of transformational. The components of the training were well-structured, interactive, engaging and most importantly, the methods work! I'm so glad I found this course, as not only did I learn to help others improve their self-development I also really developed within myself too. I felt safe and so supported to be vulnerable in the space Jevon held. I'm in awe of Jevon's knowledge and ability to explain complex topics with ease and simplicity. I left this course with the confidence to begin my own ethical and ecological coaching practice, and serve people in a safe way which ensures powerful results.
Aimie Duggan Teacher & Coach
I got so many important learnings out of the training and felt very supported and taken care of even though it was an online setting. I really liked the fact that you answered all my questions super quickly and thoroughly via e-mail and that the course had a clear structure with reachable milestones. Also, thank you for the wonderful zoom sessions, I always felt excited and even more motivated afterwards!
Chiara Richter Student
I have felt supported, held and encouraged by Jevon. At every opportunity he has made himself available for feedback and further questions. The transpersonal coaching course that he leads at Alef Tust has in some way for me pulled together all previous learnings and study into an integrated sacred wholeness. It’s not an idea or theory of possible wholeness, it’s a deeply felt sense of wholeness.
Marilyn Cawley University Professor
Thank you so very much for the [Open Awarness] masterclass you gave us.
Your structure, process and language was nothing short of superb. The response from the participants was superlative. I was especially taken by the beautiful way you held the space. Gentle, strong, present, connected. Jevon, that was really beautiful. Hats off to you! Thank you so much for your generosity, with your time, expertise and with your Spirit.
Laura Spicer Director of Sound Practice for the SNLP
Dear Jevon and Hennie, I wanted to give you some feedback for the ASE course we did 2 months ago:
I feel more fully part of this world. Fear is no longer my default setting. This frees me up to think more clearly and make conscious choices instead of just reacting in stressful situations. It's allowing me to trust myself more and things work out. Such a relief. I feel like I let something go...like a whole back-pack of other peoples stuff. And when I eat, I no longer feel like it may be the last meal I ever have. There is no longer a sense of panic around food. I cant tell you how incredible this is. It is SO freeing. I also noticed that I stand up for myself unapologetically now. I am enjoying quietly watching this all unfolding from the inside.
Life changing, freedom! There are no words that can really explain or express the impacts and ripple effects...and my gratitude!
Jessica Gird NGO manager
The ASE course is transformative. Thank you for the space you held for each of us. Your passion and delivery of the course is really inspiring. I enjoyed the way the course was structured and the pace at which it was set. We had a good amount of opportunity to practice. I really valued our “open circle” time in the morning and the way that you allowed the content and flow of the day to be guided around those topics.
Julie Devitto Teacher
Jevon presents an incredible program that has the potential to give people the ability to access the well-spring of human excellence in all of us. For too long we have all suffered silently yet Jevon’s course provides personal development processes that allow the individual to experience authentic Self empowerment. I highly recommend this course.
Tariq Juneja Entrepreneur
I enjoyed the ASE course thoroughly and it exceeded my expectations. I enjoyed the fact that it was not airy-fairy stuff, but based on neurological and psychological facts, but still had a powerful effect on me as a human being.
My biggest insight was that I can change my “filters” and “programming” (neurological pathways) from a young age up to now to have a better and more baggage free life and that I can live more aware and mindful every day and experience other people and life in a new way.
Aisie Sinclair Businessman
What I enjoyed most about the ASE Emersion event is that the methodology works... I feel empowered. I have tools that can guide me and enable me to be more in control of my life, thoughts and actions. Life does not have to be auto-pilot! Sometimes in the past... it felt as if life was happening to me... I now feel that I can affect life, in how I feel, experience and engage with life... future, past and present.
Marius Botha Agriculture
I loved every moment of the course. My greatest learning was that I am so much more than what I ever could have dreamt of. Broken to whole. Sad to strong. Heavy to light. Lost to found. Dark to bright. Crumbling to solid. Empty to complete. Seeking to fulfilled. Hope to reality!
Lana Sinclair Mother & business owner
Jevon's vast knowledge and profound way of facilitating this course is outstanding, I got much more than what I expected!
Ursula Scholtz ASE Facilitator
This course is magical and transformational – at last I feel competent and confident to do what needs to be done. Jevon and the lovely group created a fun, authentic, kind, gentle and safe space for learning.
Geertje Bredenkamp ASE Facilitator
Jevon remains grounded and real at all times, which creates the best environment for learning. ASE is a great tool that is versatile and fluid. It is also a fool-proof modality.
Scholastica Williams Human Rights Activist
I felt understood at all times, integrated and encouraged. The group was so well guided by Jevon despite the different personalities. I really learnt to believe in my abilities – thank you!
Estie Teale Business woman
Jevon and the group created a powerful connection between all of us and a beautiful bond. The venue was also awesome. I have learnt how to deal with my own perceived issues and can now help others in an easy, well-structured way.
Jason Newmark Entrepreneur
ASE has offered me new ideas, new concepts and new learnings. Everybody can benefit from some ASE nourishment, even if they have no issues. Thank you Jevon!
Mandy Beart ASE Facilitator
The ASE approach is profound in that it inspires answers that really bring about healing and freedom. Awesome!
Arnold Hofmeyr ASE Facilitator
ASE Facilitator Training is for anyone who is willing and open to shifting how life's challenges can be healed and transformed in a practical, do-able and user-friendly way.
Joanne Moss Coach
I am very excited about the great change that has taken place in me on a day to day and moment to moment basis during the pre-study and attendance of the ASE Facilitator Training as well as the Advanced ASE Facilitator Training.
Mika Button Secretary
Some deep and fundamental work was done. A truly warming and wonderful experience.
Gillian Barber Recruiter