Experience an Open Awareness (OA) guided process with Jevon Dangeli
OA promotes mindfulness, empathy and compassion — qualities that Authentic Self Empowerment Facilitators consider to be essential when interacting with others.
For the science behind OA and how it works, visit our OA page.
In this ASE training video, Jevon Dängeli (MSc Transpersonal Psychology) teaches you how to open the aperture of your awareness. This simple skill naturally enables people to experience a calm and centred state of mind and body. In addition to sharpening one’s sensory acuity, this awareness expanding skill helps people to become aware of their interconnection with others at a fundamental level, while ‘tuning’ their consciousness into its natural authentic mode. This brings about a state of inner peace and oneness – which results in feelings of compassion and empathy. Continue Reading
Your life is a presentation!
Are you getting your message out there?
In this lively presentation, Jevon Dängeli speaks to an audience from 17 countries about how to get your message heard and understood.
From this video you will learn how to:
- Speak in public with confidence
- Present any topic charismatically
- Connect with your audience and get in the flow
- Establish rapport and appeal to all learning styles
- Stay cool, calm & collected in interactions with others
- Make yourself understood in conversations
- Communicate the heart’s intelligence
- Articulate your core message
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Have you ever felt like a flea in a rug on spring cleaning day?
Human transformation is the process of physical and psychological change that all of us are constantly undergoing. Personally impactful experiences or significant realisations invite us to evolve our consciousness and transform our way of being in the world. Upon realising something of pertinence about ourselves or life, our mind is stretched and can no longer revert back to its old form.
Acting upon our inner callings enables us to live purposefully, giving meaning to our endeavours. In contrast, when we disregard or turn away from our insights due to the fear of what implementing them may result in, choosing rather to continue our old modes and patterns of behaviour, then we shutdown our intuition and suppress the life that wants to be lived through us. The former leads to Authentic Self Empowerment, the latter leads to burnout.
In this training video Jevon Dängeli (NLP Trainer & ASE Facilitator) uses a humorous metaphor of a flea in a rug on spring cleaning day to describe the process of transformation and how burnout can result if our intrinsic impulses are ignored. Continue Reading

The ultimate trick your mind plays on you is the way in which you view yourself.
A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. -Albert Einstein
That sounds good Albert, but how do we snap out of our optical delusion of consciousness and free ourselves to be Authentic (compassionate) human beings?
We should start by creating sufficient space in our awareness in order to establish the type of perception that sees beyond the mind’s little optical delusions. Continue Reading
This article reveals an underlying cause of distress and burnout, as well as how to deal with it.
Burnout is a form of suffering that affects people physically, psychologically, socially and spiritually. It occurs when old ways of being in the world no longer work and start to disintegrate.
My research over the past 2 years has revealed that people who are negatively affected by stress and those who may become burnt out operate predominantly in a certain mode of perception. Furthermore, I have found that another specific type of perception can be learned and integrated, which in turn prevents stressful reactions and enables people to respond to challenging situations resourcefully and creatively. Continue Reading

The symptoms of burnout (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual fatigue) spill over into other areas of the affected person’s life jeopardising their performance, motivation, personal relationships and social life, and can lead to depression, anxiety and psychosomatic disorders, as well as destructive behaviours toward self and others.
Burnout is known to cause a narrowed awareness and dysfunction in individuals, amongst couples, as well as within organisations — resulting in lower productivity, higher absenteeism, poorer morale and performance issues. Continue Reading
If you had a simple skill to inhibit stress based reactions within a few seconds (including fear, anxiety, anger and procrastination), would that interest you?
If this skill also enabled you to enter a cool, calm and collected state while broadening your perspective about yourself and others, as well as increasing your levels of resilience and resourcefulness in any situation, would that make you even more curious?
If so, read on… Continue Reading
Is the story you tell yourself true?
Since the way in which people define their reality is based on their perceptions and defined metaphorically through language (stories), insight and change of any internal and subjective representation will have a direct result in that person’s external and objective experience. For this reason, changes in metaphoric representation effects cognition, which in turn generates new thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Continue Reading
This 2-day healing, transformational and empowering experience includes learning and being guided through all the main ASE processes by Jevon Dangeli. ASE Emersion enables you to access your intrinsic wisdom, creativity and self healing potential and then guides you to implement your insights in personally meaningful and practical ways.
No previous experience is necessary. ASE Emersion is for anybody who wants to raise their level of awareness, establish more “flow” in their life, activate their inner healer and enhance their body-mind-spirit connection. Continue Reading