ASE Facilitator & Transpersonal Coach Training

Authentic Self Empowerment Facilitator Training

A 5-day in-person course followed by a 6-month online training and supervision programme teaching the Authentic Self Empowerment (ASE) approaches to facilitating healing, transformative and empowering processes in yourself and in others.

ASE Facilitator training is a stand-alone certification course, as well as the foundation training for our coaching, hypnotherapy and NLP certification courses.

The ASE methodology is trauma-informed.

The information below describes the 5-day ASE Facilitator training that takes place annually in London and Switzerland (Locarno). The dates of our upcoming courses are listed further down on this page

Experiencing and learning how to embody the state of Open Awareness is an integral aspect of our course. This includes expanding your level of awareness, cultivating compassionate presence, bringing about more flow in life, activating your inner healer and establishing mindful resilience. You will also learn help others achieve these types of outcomes. The in-person training is followed by 6 live group training and supervision sessions via Zoom – one session per month for 6 months (details here).

This course will equip you to guide individuals and groups to access their inherently wise, creative and resourceful levels of consciousness. Although this course is well suited to those already in the caring, Authentic Self Empowerment Facilitator Traininghealing and changework professions, it is also a perfect starting point for those who wish to work in such contexts. There is NO expectation for you to become a ‘helping professional’. Many people choose to attend this course purely for their own personal and spiritual growth.

No previous experience is necessary in order to join us on this transformative learning journey. If you are already involved in leadership, coaching, therapy, counselling, teaching, training and other helping or developmental professions, the ASE Facilitator Training will raise your level of competency and add tremendous value to your overall expertise.

This course is about co-creating a participatory space and healing field in which all feel safe and willing to engage in experiential activities, interactive processes and the emerging dialogue.  

Authentic Self Empowerment Facilitator TrainingASE provides helping professionals with a holistic and trauma-sensitive approach, promoting healing of mental/emotional issues by focussing on both remedial change and generative transformation. ASE facilitates a context for personal growth that heals your past, empowers you in the present and enables you to co-create a compelling future. Read more about how ASE works here.

ASE Facilitators are trained to use and teach mindful communication.

By completing this in-person training along with the 6 post-course group supervision sessions (via Zoom) you will be granted certification as an Authentic Self Empowerment™ Facilitator – which is recognised and approved by the International Association of Coaches, Therapists and Mentors (IACTM) and the Transpersonal Coaching & Therapy Network (TCTN).

Authentic Self Empowerment Facilitator TrainingOn the personal side, this course will provide you with a deeper understanding of yourself along with your overall purpose in life and clear ways to manifest it. You will escalate your level of emotional, social and spiritual intelligence, becoming a more mindful, bodyful and spiritful human being.

ASE empowers people to be in control in stressful situations by allowing for a variety of responses rather than being in a ‘knee jerk reaction’ mode. It also enables the individual to decide their own outcome in any situation instead of being controlled by external influences. – Grigor Stewart

Jevon presents an incredible program that has the potential to give people the ability to access the well-spring of human excellence in all of us. For too long we have all suffered silently yet Jevon’s course provides personal development processes that allow the individual to experience authentic self-empowerment. I highly recommend this course. – Tariq Juneja

Read what more people have said about ASE training at the end of this page.


ASE Licensed FacilitatorBecome a Licensed ASE Facilitator – recognized by the International Association of Coaches, Therapists & Mentors (IACTM).


How does this training work?

The ASE Facilitator Development Programme is provided to you as soon as you enrol. This includes:

  • More than 40 ASE training videos
  • The ASE Facilitator Training Manual
  • The Open Awareness Handbook
  • ASE Facilitator resources for personal & professional development
  • 6 group supervision sessions (monthly via Zoom) following the course
  • Ongoing support

International Association of Coaches, Therapists and Mentors (IACTM).
There is no required pre-course work, however participants who have not trained with Jevon before are encouraged to watch a selection of his training videos prior to attending this course. The resources that you are issued with upon enrolment serve as an introduction to the course content, as well as your post-course follow-up learning and integration.

The ASE Facilitator Training is a stand-alone certification course, as well as the first module of our Transpersonal Coach certification course.

The content of the ASE Facilitator training includes:

  1. Learn how to facilitate the ASE Integrative Coaching Program – A comprehensive, systematic, holistic approach to personal growth and flourishing.
  2. ASE definitions, theory and background.
  3. The Principles of ASE put to practice.
  4. How ASE works at the conscious and unconscious level of awareness.
  5. The roles of mindfulness, somatics, self-hypnosis, NLP & Transpersonal Psychology in ASE.
  6. Open Awareness – the fundamental ASE  skillset.
  7. Establishing mindful communication in relationships and professional practice.
  8. ASE applications for healing, transformation and evolving consciousness.
  9. How to transcend the space and time coordinates of psychological issues.
  10. Brief ASE skills to deal with stressful situations immediately.
  11. ASE techniques for releasing fear and anxiety.
  12. ASE approaches to prevent and heal from burnout.
  13. The ASE Holistic Integration process
  14. The Nature’s Way process
  15. Perceptual Positions – how to achieve and integrate multiple points of view.
  16. ASE Somatic Resourcing – embodiment skills for healing.
  17. ASE Past Resourcing – regression techniques to heal the root causes of limiting beliefs and unwanted emotional reactions.ASE Facilitator Training is approved by the Transpersonal Coaching & Therapy Network (TCTN)
  18. ASE Future Resourcing – progression techniques to connect with potential future awareness and resources in order to become empowered in the present.
  19. ASE Relationship Resourcing – how to become more empowered and resourceful in all relationships based on the establishment of broader understandings and compassion.
  20. ASE Values Re-Sourcing – How to connect with and embody your core value and purpose in life.
  21. The Transpersonal Coaching Model – tying together all the approaches listed above.
  22. The ASE Integral Practice – physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal, spiritual – practices to integrate  ASE into your whole life.
  23. Approaches for working with children and teenagers.
  24. Daily ASE Embodiment Practice, including jumi (judo mind) exercises.
  25. Many mind expanding experiences during the plentiful demonstrations, supervised practice, group interactions and discussions.


The ASE Facilitator Training was delivered professionally with sensitivity and intuition. The integration of theory and experience and practice was seamless and impressive – a remarkable journey! It was life-changing. I loved every second of this course! – Hennie Geldenhuys, MD.

Authentic Self Empowerment Facilitator Training.

The course was fantastic, well presented, with such authenticity and love. It was a deeply profound journey, both personally and professionally. I really enjoyed the energy between us in the group and how we all learnt to really tap into our intuition. The facilitation and development of “open awareness” allowed us to integrate the ASE processes at a deep level so that we left the training competent at facilitating them.
– Stephanie Maural, Pilates instructor

ASE Facilitator Certification Criteria

Following the course, you will have the opportunity to continue with monthly training/supervision sessions via Zoom, as well as have access to a wide range of professional development resources (details here).

EXTRA: Are you interested in becoming a certified NLP Practitioner ?

ASE Facilitator Training is approved by The International Association of Coaches, Therapists & Mentors (IACTM)

By including our NLP Facilitator Training (online programme) before or after participating in the ASE Facilitator Training, you will be eligible for internationally recognised NLP Practitioner certification once you have completed both the ASE Facilitator Training and the NLP Facilitator Training.


ASE Facilitator Training (in-person Transpersonal Coach module) details:

Switzerland, Losone (Ticino, Lake Maggiore)

Dates: 18-23 October 2024
Venue: Parkhotel Emmaus 
ASE Facilitator training/retreat in Switzerland details


UK, London

Dates: 5-9 May 2025
Venue: Private residence: Windsor Close, Finchley, N33ST 
Training times: 10am – 6pm daily. Lunch & refreshments – bring & share.
Course fees – includes all learning materials and 6-month online programme

  • First attendance (module 1) 5 days in-person training + 6 post-course masterclasses + ASE Facilitator certificate: £ 1 800 (UK)
  • Second attendance (module 2) same 5-day course with more supervised practice & integration + Advanced ASE Facilitator certificate: £ 900 (UK)
  • Third attendance (module 3*) same 5-day course with more supervised practice & integration + 6 post-course masterclasses + assignment assessment and feedback + Transpersonal Coach certificate: £ 900 (UK)
    *Module 3 of the Transpersonal Coaching course is also available online, as an alternative to attending a third 5-day in-person module. Details here.

ASE Facilitator Training is approved by the Transpersonal Coaching & Therapy Network (TCTN)

>> Enrol here (London) <<



Thank you Jevon for creating and holding the space, for sharing all your knowledge and wisdom. Thank you Jana for all the arrangements and making sure everything ran smoothly. Thank you both for doing what you do with so much love and passion. – Mariaan van Vuuren, Yoga Instructor

I found ASE Facilitator Training extremely helpful, especially for my own personal practice of meditation. I’ve been on a spiritual path for more than 34 years but the ASE training has given me greater understanding of myself as well as others. I really appreciated Jevon’s very natural, casual and unpretentious approach in teaching and supporting.
Manda Patel – Spiritual Teacher

The ASE Facilitator Training is a stand-alone certification course, as well as the first module of both the Transpersonal Coach certification course and the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Practitioner course.

About the trainers: 

Jevon Dangeli ASE Facilitator & TrainerJevon Dangeli
is a certified NLP Trainer, Transpersonal Coach and Hypnotherapy Practitioner who has provided live training in these areas since 2004. He gained his MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology from Middlesex University. He has written seven training manuals and recorded over 30 audio-programmes, as well as a comprehensive video series where he teaches psychological methods for personal and professional development. He is the developer of the Authentic Self-Empowerment (ASE) approach that combines the holistic aspects of NLP with mindfulness and transpersonal psychology. ASE is a fundamental aspect of the transpersonal coaching model that Jevon teaches in his live transpersonal coach training, as well as in an online MSc Transpersonal Psychology programme and a Post-Graduate Certificate course in transpersonal coaching through Alef Trust and the Professional Development Foundation – accredited by Middlesex University and IACTM.

Dr Hennie GeldenhuysDr Hennie Geldenhuys is a medical doctor, certified ASE and Transpersonal coach, Hypnotherapist and trainer. He integrates his medical, scientific and clinical research skills with the Authentic Self-Empowerment (ASE) and Open Awareness (OA) approach. He applies this unique blend of disciplines in his work with individual clients and in dynamic group training courses. He has a passion for change work, for the link between the evidence, practice and experience in coaching, and the link between the biological, the psychology, the spiritual and the transpersonal.

Beyond the course….

In addition to the profound learning and personal insights that you will gain from attending ASE Facilitator training, ongoing support and supervision is provided after the live event in order for you to continue integrating your knowledge and skills.
We also provide you with the resources and guidance to establish a successful ASE Facilitator business, or to enhance your current profession by including ASE.

Following the training, ASE Facilitators and Transpersonal Coaches are required to continue with the ‘ASE Facilitator / Transpersonal Coach Development Programme’ on an annual basis in order to retain the validity of their certification and license. This programme includes:

  • 12 live supervision sessions per year, via Zoom. All Licensed ASE Facilitators and Transpersonal Coaches who have been certified by us are welcome to attend (details here). Video recordings of each session will be made available.
  • The ASE Facilitator License
  • The ‘Licensed ASE Facilitator’ emblem
  • New and updated ASE Facilitator learning materials and resources
  • A profile listing in the ASE Facilitator Directory
  • Client referrals from us (optional)
  • Eligibility to facilitate the ASE Integrative Coaching Program
  • TCTN membership, including forum access and member listing
  • Monthly ASE Tips (optional)
  • A special feature in the ASE social media pages (optional)
  • Ethics and motivation for being an ASE Facilitator are reviewed
  • Eligibility for IACTM Accreditation (once Transpersonal Coach certification has been obtained)
  • Annual fee 200 Swiss Francs



  • My journey with Jevon has been nothing short of transformational.  The components of the training were well-structured, interactive, engaging and most importantly, the methods work! I'm so glad I found this course, as not only did I learn to help others improve their self-development I also really developed within myself too. I felt safe and so supported to be vulnerable in the space Jevon held.  I'm in awe of Jevon's knowledge and ability to explain complex topics with ease and simplicity. I left this course with the confidence to begin my own ethical and ecological coaching practice, and serve people in a safe way which ensures powerful results.

    Aimie Duggan Teacher & Coach

  • I got so many important learnings out of the training and felt very supported and taken care of even though it was an online setting. I really liked the fact that you answered all my questions super quickly and thoroughly via e-mail and that the course had a clear structure with reachable milestones. Also, thank you for the wonderful zoom sessions, I always felt excited and even more motivated afterwards!

    Chiara Richter Student

  • I have felt supported, held and encouraged by Jevon. At every opportunity he has made himself available for feedback and further questions. The transpersonal coaching course that he leads at Alef Tust has in some way for me pulled together all previous learnings and study into an integrated sacred wholeness. It’s not an idea or theory of possible wholeness, it’s a deeply felt sense of wholeness.

    Marilyn Cawley University Professor

  • Thank you so very much for the [Open Awarness] masterclass you gave us. Your structure, process and language was nothing short of superb. The response from the participants was superlative. I was especially taken by the beautiful way you held the space. Gentle, strong, present, connected. Jevon, that was really beautiful. Hats off to you! Thank you so much for your generosity, with your time, expertise and with your Spirit.

    Laura Spicer Director of Sound Practice for the SNLP

  • Dear Jevon and Hennie, I wanted to give you some feedback for the ASE course we did 2 months ago: I feel more fully part of this world. Fear is no longer my default setting. This frees me up to think more clearly and make conscious choices instead of just reacting in stressful situations. It's allowing me to trust myself more and things work out. Such a relief. I feel like I let something a whole back-pack of other peoples stuff. And when I eat, I no longer feel like it may be the last meal I ever have. There is no longer a sense of panic around food. I cant tell you how incredible this is. It is SO freeing. I also noticed that I stand up for myself unapologetically now. I am enjoying quietly watching this all unfolding from the inside. Life changing, freedom! There are no words that can really explain or express the impacts and ripple effects...and my gratitude!

    Jessica Gird NGO manager

  • The ASE course is transformative. Thank you for the space you held for each of us. Your passion and delivery of the course is really inspiring. I enjoyed the way the course was structured and the pace at which it was set.  We had a good amount of opportunity to practice. I really valued our “open circle” time in the morning and the way that you allowed the content and flow of the day to be guided around those topics.

    Julie Devitto Teacher

  • Jevon presents an incredible program that has the potential to give people the ability to access the well-spring of human excellence in all of us. For too long we have all suffered silently yet Jevon’s course provides personal development processes that allow the individual to experience authentic Self empowerment. I highly recommend this course.

    Tariq Juneja Entrepreneur

  • I enjoyed the ASE course thoroughly and it exceeded my expectations. I enjoyed the fact that it was not airy-fairy stuff, but based on neurological and psychological facts, but still had a powerful effect on me as a human being.

    My biggest insight was that I can change my “filters” and “programming” (neurological pathways) from a young age up to now to have a better and more baggage free life and that I can live more aware and mindful every day and experience other people and life in a new way.

    Aisie Sinclair Businessman

  • What I enjoyed most about the ASE Emersion event is that the methodology works... I feel empowered. I have tools that can guide me and enable me to be more in control of my life, thoughts and actions. Life does not have to be auto-pilot! Sometimes in the past... it felt as if life was happening to me... I now feel that I can affect life, in how I feel, experience and engage with life... future, past and present.

    Marius Botha Agriculture

  • I loved every moment of the course. My greatest learning was that I am so much more than what I ever could have dreamt of. Broken to whole. Sad to strong. Heavy to light. Lost to found. Dark to bright. Crumbling to solid. Empty to complete. Seeking to fulfilled. Hope to reality!

    Lana Sinclair Mother & business owner

  • Jevon's vast knowledge and profound way of facilitating this course is outstanding, I got much more than what I expected!

    Ursula Scholtz ASE Facilitator

  • This course is magical and transformational – at last I feel competent and confident to do what needs to be done. Jevon and the lovely group created a fun, authentic, kind, gentle and safe space for learning.

    Geertje Bredenkamp ASE Facilitator

  • Jevon remains grounded and real at all times, which creates the best environment for learning. ASE is a great tool that is versatile and fluid. It is also a fool-proof modality.

    Scholastica Williams Human Rights Activist

  • I felt understood at all times, integrated and encouraged. The group was so well guided by Jevon despite the different personalities. I really learnt to believe in my abilities – thank you!

    Estie Teale Business woman

  • Jevon and the group created a powerful connection between all of us and a beautiful bond. The venue was also awesome. I have learnt how to deal with my own perceived issues and can now help others in an easy, well-structured way.

    Jason Newmark Entrepreneur

  • ASE has offered me new ideas, new concepts and new learnings. Everybody can benefit from some ASE nourishment, even if they have no issues. Thank you Jevon!

    Mandy Beart ASE Facilitator

  • The ASE approach is profound in that it inspires answers that really bring about healing and freedom. Awesome!

    Arnold Hofmeyr ASE Facilitator

  • ASE Facilitator Training is for anyone who is willing and open to shifting how life's challenges can be healed and transformed in a practical, do-able and user-friendly way.

    Joanne Moss Coach

  • I am very excited about the great change that has taken place in me on a day to day and moment to moment basis during the pre-study and attendance of the ASE Facilitator Training as well as the Advanced ASE Facilitator Training.

    Mika Button  Secretary

  • Some deep and fundamental work was done. A truly warming and wonderful experience.

    Gillian Barber Recruiter

  • The ASE Facilitator Training has been an awesome experience and has already enriched my life, I am much calmer. I can´t wait to take this further, it is something that I will continue applying for the rest of my life.

    Doug Thomas Businessman

  • I loved the amazing interaction with a highly developed group in a space held by an outstanding trainer/facilitator. The ASE Facilitator Training has met every need in me to take my skills to another level – certainly the best training incorporating already existing methods in a totally different way to bring about huge transformation.

    Shelley Whitehead Relationship Coach

  • The ASE Facilitator Training provided lots of new tools and strengthened my beliefs in my own potential and capabilities. What I enjoyed most was the amazing feeling of support from Jevon and the group. A consciousness that we were all learning, therefore all questions were welcome, as well as no judgement or criticism for needing to use the manual during the practical exercises.

    Lara Horne Training co-ordinator

  • I found ASE Facilitator Training extremely helpful, especially for my own personal practice of meditation. I've been on a spiritual path for more than 34 years but the ASE training has given me greater understanding of myself as well as others. I really appreciated Jevon's very natural, casual and unpretentious approach in teaching and supporting.

    Manda Patel Spiritual Teacher

  • The course was fantastic, well presented, with such authenticity and love. It was a deeply profound journey, both personally and professionally. I really enjoyed the energy between us in the group and how we all learnt to really tap into our intuition. The facilitation and development of “peripheral awareness” allowed us to integrate the ASE processes at a deep level so that we left the training competent at facilitating them.

    Stephanie Maurel Pilates instructor

  • Thank you Jevon for creating and holding the space, for sharing all your knowledge and wisdom. Thank you Jana for all the arrangements and making sure everything ran smoothly. Thank you both for doing what you do with so much love and passion.

    Mariaan van Vuuren Yoga teacher

  • The ASE Facilitator Training was delivered professionally with sensitivity and intuition. The integration of theory and experience and practice was seamless and impressive – a remarkable journey! It was life-changing. I loved every second of this course!

    Dr Hennie Geldenhuys Medical Doctor

  • ASE empowers people to be in control in stressful situations by allowing for a variety of responses rather than being in a ‘knee jerk reaction’ mode. It also enables the individual to decide their own outcome in any situation instead of being controlled by external influences.

    Grigor Stewart Media sales

  • ASE is an excellent everyday practical tool for enhancing life....a "mode of being" that can be used in conjunction with any existing life activities....the methods can be applied anywhere at anytime.

    Delene Kellerman Mother

  • You've given me a new outlook, motivation and general desire to take life on, rather than just sort of endure it. These words fall rather short of what I'm really feeling, but of course you know all too well that no matter what we're saying, it's always so much more than that! You have my deepest gratitude for making this possible.

    Jacques Smit Artist

  • The ASE Facilitator Training was profound and brought into balance so many of the individual components of NLP & Hypnotherapy. As a therapist, my greatest learning was to connect with an inside resource that created a harmonious and co-operative relationship between me an my clients.

    Miles Harrop Hypnotherapist

  • The ASE Facilitator Training is absolutely fantastic. The ASE approach is a MUST HAVE skill that allows us to live authentically self empowered and be an inspiration for others – it gives life a whole new meaning.

    Renee Brand Child development specialist

  • Wow! Can it be this simple to overcome and understand life’s challenges, or is the material just so well presented? Great – simple and crystal clear, definitely inspiring and easy to follow.

    Mike Panaino Businessman

  • Thank you, your ASE approach is truly awesome. Becoming the observer, we know is where it’s at, BUT to tap into the universal support and that all we desire is already out there, we just have to align to it, is where I find the hurdle. BUT Yes, this leads you to externalize the solution and so claim it. Why do we deny ourselves that?

    Christine Cameron Therapist

  • The ASE Facilitator Training creates an sence of wonder during the event and for days afterwards. It is a very useful approach to accessing the resources present in all of us and connecting with our own inner wisdom. The insights I received during this course were instant and ground breaking. It was very well facilitated by Jevon who has a very effective approach to sharing this revolutionary approach to personal development and self empowerment. This experience is a must for everyone on the journey of exploring the Self!

    Francois Coetzee IT consultant

  • The ASE Facilitator Training brings together all the knowledge about human beings (thoughts, feelings & behaviours) in a practical way. I experienced a whole new level of awareness. Finally I can experience my True Self and help others achieve this too.

    Diana Bantchovska PhD student

  • Authentic Self Empowerment is a user-friendly process and the Facilitator Training has been presented by Jevon in a congruent, caring and authentic way. I enjoyed the deep meditations, the metaphors and stories. The collective learnings of the NLP/HNLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner Training and this ASE Facilitator Training culminate in a methodology that is powerful, real and doable.

    Joanne Moss HNLP Coach

  • I wish this course didn´t end, it was so much fun. The ASE processes are so versatile and adaptable to so many different situations. I believe that by applying them there is no client that I won´t be able to help. I am very happy with this course.

    Santell May Fraud Investigator

  • Thank you for everything I have learned so far from you. The transformation which took place in me and others during this ASE Training was profound. I now have a way of making a real difference in other people´s lives.

    Sabine Erwig Estate Agent

  • Thank you for this practical application that ASE offers and the economical processes, that are even more results driven than NLP/HNLP. Keep on spreading your genius. Thank you!

    Christine Ayiotis Change Manager, South Africa

  • No words can tell you how deeply I am touched. I enjoyed every single moment and it´s been a journey towards my purpose. Thank you.

    Carl Nel Authentic Self Empowerment Faciliator, South Africa

  • Keep on doing what you´re doing! You change the lives of others...Wow, the entire course was profound and gave me confidence as a coach going forward. I now have some life changing skills to make a difference. Thanks so much!

    Riana Arendse Assistant Bank Manager, South Africa

  • This course was really fun and Jevon is an excellent trainer. I´ll be using ASE as my main/core method of coaching because of its simplicity and effectiveness. I´ll also continously use this method for my own personal growth and insights.

    Barry Mackay Authentic Self Empowerment Faciliator, South Africa

  • This ASE training was a wonderful experience - empowering, liberating and powerful. The best decision I made this year so far was to be here. Thank you!

    Renée Annison Facilitator, South Africa

Authentic Self Empowerment Training & Retreats with Jevon Dängeli


A short video of Jevon Dängeli introducing ASE at a live ASE Facilitator Training in 2008