Burnout Prevention & Treatment

ASE Burnout Prevention & TreatmentASE methods treat the causes of burnout and enable individuals to prevent burnout while maintaining optimal performance and satisfaction.

Burnout results from a perceived inability to cope with or resolve challenging circumstances, resulting in feelings of overwhelm, helplessness, and frustration that can escalate to mental exhaustion, physical fatigue and emotional bankruptcy. The symptoms of burnout spill over into other areas of the affected person’s life affecting their performance, motivation, personal relationships and social life, and can lead to depression, anxiety, and psychosomatic disorders, as well as destructive behaviours toward self and others.

Burnout is a form of deep human suffering at every level – physical, psychological, social, spiritual – which occurs when old ways of being in the world no longer work and start to disintegrate. – Stephen Wright

We provide the following burnout prevention and treatment resources:

Our 1 or 2-day Stress Resilience & Burnout Prevention seminars teach how to:

  • Cope with stress and reduce its harmful effects
  • Improve mental, emotional & physical resilience
  • Sustain resourcefulness amidst demands and time pressure
  • Overcome nervousness, performance anxiety, and stage fright
  • Identify the precursors to burnout and respond to them wisely
  • Rapidly transform reactive states into creative and productive responses
  • Approach challenges with confidence and broadly balanced perspectives
  • Establish and maintain mindfulness at work, at home, and in social settings

Performance Enhancement / Stress Resilience / Burnout Prevention - Seminar.
Stress distracts us from making the clear, creative, and composed choices that enable us to be more successful in all our endeavours. At this seminar you will learn how to not be negatively affected by stress, freeing yourself to think and behave authentically. You will gain the knowledge and skills to activate your whole mind for improved functioning and performance.

Burnout  is known to cause a narrowed awareness and dysfunction in individuals, amongst couples, as well as within organisations — resulting in lower productivity, higher absenteeism, poor morale, and performance issues. The awareness expanding skills taught in this seminar will enable you to identify the early symptoms of burnout and deal with them effectively so that you can continue to be productive without draining your inner resources.

Resilience is the ability to maintain elasticity and buoyancy in the face of adversity. Mindfulness approaches (like the ASE Mindful Power approach that is taught in this seminar) are proven to develop a long-term state of resilience by enhancing physical, mental, and social well-being. Mindful Power can enhance self-regulation of one’s emotions and focus of attention, whilst cultivating mental flexibility, which in turn promotes resilience toward stress and burnout. We have found that Mindfulness approaches are imperative in order to maintain resilience – details here.

Stress Resilience & Burnout Prevention seminars are presented by Jevon Dängeli — an internationally acclaimed NLP Trainer & Coach who specialises in treating stress and burnout.

Prices, bookings, and further information:

This seminar can be presented over one or two days. The 1-day seminar day includes everything listed above on this page, but with less time to practice the techniques and processes that are taught, as well as less time to receive supervision and have questions answered than what is included in the 2-day seminar.

The price of this seminar is determined by the number of days over which it is presented, the number of participants, and the location where it takes place.

If you answer “yes” 10 times or more in The Burnout Self Diagnostic Tool then this seminar is for you!

Presented upon request to individuals and groups — ranging from few to many, young or mature.

Please contact us for bookings and further information.

Authentic Self Empowerment Training & Retreats with Jevon Dängeli