The Transpersonal Coaching Handbook is for novice and professional coaches, as well as anybody who is interested in learning the transpersonal approach to coaching.
The Transpersonal Coaching Handbook is written and compiled by Jevon Dängeli (credentials below).
The Second Edition of this book was launched in March 2021.
In addition to introducing a transpersonal coaching philosophy, theory and practice, as well as outlining the value of a transpersonal perspective in the coaching profession, the Transpersonal Coaching Handbook (TCH) introduces a unique transpersonal coaching model and describes how to use this model in a variety of coaching contexts.
One of the main objectives of the TCH is to present multiperspective, yet grounded and analysed theories in support of the transpersonal approach to coaching. To fulfil this objective, transpersonal coaching essays by professional coaches and transpersonal coaching students have been included.
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The TCH is the primary training manual for students on the following courses:
The in-person (live) Transpersonal Coaching course – presented annually in London and Tuscany (by Jevon Dangeli) and Cape Town (by Dr Hennie Geldenhuys).
- The online one-year Certificate Programme in Transpersonal Coaching Psychology – starts each February, presented by Jevon Dangeli and Dr Hennie Geldenhuys through Alef Trust
Transpersonal coaching empowers people to transcend the ego states, mindsets and behaviours that inhibit their personal, professional and spiritual growth.
Trans (beyond) personal (ego) coaching (finding solutions and establishing resourcefulness) works with the whole person — body, mind and spirit.
Transpersonal coaches help people to resolve issues in their life, by facilitating processes that enable them to transform limiting self-constructs and debilitating beliefs into whole new ways of being.
Typical outcomes of this specialized coaching psychology include greater clarity, broader perspectives, improved performance and an enhanced sense of meaning and purpose in life.
Transpersonal coaching is the theory and practice of coaching that takes a holistic and integrative approach to supporting client growth and transformation. This is achieved through an individually tailored process helping the client to identify what provides them with a sense of meaning and purpose and, in turn, to support the client to find ways of purposefully expressing this – in their work, their personal life and within relationships. The role of the transpersonal coach is to support the client to develop a more expansive sense of self and, in so doing, to help the client access the necessary resources (social, emotional, psychological and spiritual) that will help them attain their fullest potential.
This holistic form of coaching involves creating the space for transformation to happen and then generating willingness to integrate the client’s new awareness into the context where it is most meaningful to them. This can be considered as a bio-psycho-socio-spiritual approach to coaching, that helps clients to resolve issues concerning the body, mind, relationships and spirituality.
Transpersonal perspectives expand one’s self-construct and worldview. This may be of value in coaching through generating expanded states of consciousness and integrating these in the context of everyday life. This way of coaching – beyond the ego – can help to transform a crisis into a spiritual awakening, which in turn can be leveraged in order to bring more resourceful perspectives and constructive solutions into challenging situations.
The transpersonal coaching model (TCM) described in the TCH is one of the Authentic Self Empowerment (ASE) approaches. ASE combines Transpersonal Psychology and Mindfulness based interventions with holistic applications of Neuro-Linguistic Programming to help people achieve meaningful and sustainable outcomes in all areas of life. At the heart of ASE and at the core of our transpersonal coaching approach is a specific state and perspective known as Open Awareness. The TCH includes substantial content on how to apply Open Awareness for the purpose of holding the space and facilitating a context for transformation and growth.
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About the author
Jevon Dangeli, MSc Transpersonal Psychology, Certified Transpersonal Coach & Hypnotherapy Practitioner, Certified NLP Trainer, developer of Authentic Self Empowerment (ASE).
In addition to the Transpersonal Coaching Handbook, Jevon has written eight other training manuals, recorded over 30 audio-programmes and a comprehensive video series where he teaches the ASE approaches for personal, transpersonal and professional development. He’s been active as a professional coach and trainer since 2004.
At the heart of ASE is the skill of Open Awareness, which was the topic of his MSc research, and which he has presented at numerous international psychology conferences. ASE and Open Awareness are fundamental aspects of his live (in-person) Transpersonal Coaching courses, as well as the online Certificate Course in Transpersonal Coaching Psychology through Alef Trust.
His desire to help people lead a purposeful life was catapulted when he survived an armed robbery at age 25. The perpetrator deliberately shot at him from close range and the bullet brushed past his ear. This near-death experience became a defining moment for him. He felt spared for a reason and after intense soul searching the reason became clear: cherish each experience of your life, not because you never know when it may be over, but because each experience is valuable!
By combining his 40 years of judo experience with his 20 years of psychology exploration and his passion to help children grow into happy, healthy and authentic adults, Jevon created the “jumi” (judo mind) concept and practice. The core objective of jumi is to develop Open Awareness and the ability to maintain it in all types of situations. He provides jumi training at various locations around the world.
Jevon lives in the alpine region of northern Italy with his wife and their 2 children.
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