Transpersonal Coach Training & Group Supervision

Authentic Self Empowerment (ASE)

Personal & Professional Development for ASE & Open Awareness Facilitators, Transpersonal & Wellness Coaches — Training & Group Supervision Sessions


The purpose of these sessions is to:

  • Engage together in ASE Embodiment Practice – a means to develop somatic and social awareness. We commence each supervision session with this practice, which is helpful to enhance understanding your emotions and motivations, while providing internal feedback on your relationships, and enhancing your healing potential. It can also support the development of new skills and competencies aligned with a person or group’s intention, vision and values.
  • Provide an interactive means of keeping the global ASE Facilitator, Open Awareness (OA) Facilitator, Transpersonal Coach, and Wellness Coach community connected and collaborative

  • Ensure that all the Licenced ASE/OA Facilitators and Transpersonal/Wellness Coaches are up to date with our field’s latest knowledge, skills, and techniques, as well as the most effective ways to apply these in all relevant contexts

  • Co-create a space for transformation, growth, creativity and integration by applying the ASE/OA means of facilitating group coaching processes. In this way, participants will experience and learn how to facilitate group coaching sessions

  • Establish a network of friends and colleagues to engage with in live group sessions where we can ask questions, present challenges, discuss ideas, share resources, hold space for each other and establish mutually beneficial collaborations beyond the sessions


How the training & supervision sessions work

Licensed ASE Facilitator or Transpersonal Coach

12 live online sessions per year take place via ‘Zoom’. The sessions are held every month on scheduled dates (see below). All Licensed ASE Facilitators and Transpersonal Coaches who have been certified by us, and those who are currently undergoing their training, are welcome to attend (see T&C below). The date of your first session will be determined by the date of your course or licence payment. Video recordings of each session will be made available to all the licensed facilitators and coaches in our network. These videos, in addition to professional resources and a discussion forum for further supervision, support, and referrals, are featured on a private page of this website that only the supervision group members have access to.

Additional guest workshops and ‘fireside conversations’

We periodically host experts in the field who come to share their knowledge and expertise with us in additional worshops or interviews. You will have the opportunity to learn from highly experienced transpersonal practitioners, including professional coaches and therapists. These supplementary sessions are recorded and Supervision Group members have access to the recordings.

Part of the ASE/OA Facilitator and Transpersonal Coach courses

The online OA Facilitator, Transpersonal Coach, and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Practitioner certification courses include all 12 sessions. The in-person ASE Facilitator training is followed by 6 sessions of these sessions (no additional fee) along with the other components of the training. Course participants who cannot attend a supervision session are required to listen to the recording and provide a few sentences describing the key points that were covered in the session.

Required for ASE Facilitator, OA Facilitator, Transpersonal Coach, and Wellness Coach Licencing

ASE Licensed Facilitator

In order to maintain a high level of competency and professionalism among ASE Facilitators, OA Facilitators, Transpersonal/Wellness Coaches, and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Practitioners around the world, only those with a current licence will be recognised and approved by us in these roles. The 12 group sessions, along with access to the other licence benefits (see below) will commence upon payment of the ASE / OA Facilitator, or Transpersonal/Wellness Coach, or Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Practitioner Licence. Only one licence fee is paid, regardless of how many of the aforementioned categories you are licenced in.


Licence fee

The annual licence fee is 200 Swiss Francs. This includes the 12 training & supervision sessions, all guest presentations (including the recordings) as well as the other licence benefits listed below. Students enrolled on the the online Open Awareness Facilitator training, or the online Transpersonal Coach ‘Professional’ training, or the online Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Practitioner ‘Professional’ training have the 12 sessions included in their course fee. Students enrolled on the ASE Facilitator training have the required 6 sessions included in their course fee.

Licence benefits:

  • 12 group training & supervision sessions per year, with access to the session recordings
  • Numerous guest presentations, with access to the recordings
  • A profile in the ASE/OA and/or Transpersonal/Wellness Coach Directory
  • Client referrals and endorsement from us
  • The ASE logo (shown at the top of this page) to use wherever you promote your service
  • Licensed ASE Facilitator emblem (for ASE Facilitators)
  • Licensed Transpersonal Coach emblem (for Transpersonal Coaches)
  • A discussion forum for interacting with members of the group & professionals in the field
  • Guidance to integrate the ASE Principles
  • New and updated training manuals and learning tools
  • Support and resources to succeed in professional praxis
  • Use of our copyrighted content, branding and social media
  • Those who have done the ASE or Transpersonal Coach training are eligible to facilitate the ASE Integrative Coaching Program
Licensed Transpersonal Coach


You get access to 12 live supervision sessions and the additional fireside conversations regardless of when you join.

All participants, whether present in the live sessions or not, will have access to the session recordings that took place within their licence period, as well as all previous sessions.

The live sessions will take place on the following Thursdays at either 11:00 or 18:00 Berlin/Rome time, unless otherwise specified:

  • Fireside conversation: 13 June 19:00  ‘Ethical Guidelines for ASE Facilitators & Transpersonal Coaches’ with Kylea Taylor. 
  • 25 July 11:00
  • 29 August 18:00
  • Fireside conversation: 19 September 16:00 — ‘Tending to Grief through ASE & Transpersonal Coaching’ with Jules De Vitto.
  • 26 September 11:00
  • 24 October 18:00
  • 21 November 11:00
  • Fireside conversation: 12 December 10:00 — ‘Exploring the importance of preparation and integration when using entheogens and the value of transpersonal coaching in service to this’ with Chara Caruthers.
  • 19 December 18:00
  • 23 January (2025) 11:00
  • 27 February 18:00
  • 27 March 11:00
  • 24 April 18:00
  • 22 May 11:00
  • 26 June 18:00

Session facilitators

The supervision sessions will be facilitated by Jevon Dangeli and/or Dr Hennie Geldenhuys.

Terms & Conditions

In addition to the criteria to participate in the six sessions per year (outlined above), the following also applies:

  • Compliance with the Terms & Conditions in our course enrolment form
  • If you have a payment agreement with us, this needs to be adhered to
  • Highest regard for privacy and confidentiality of all participants
  • Sensitivity and respect for all participants in each session


Joining, licence renewals and inquiries

If you would like to participate in the training & supervision sessions or renew your licence, please email us — info[at]

We hope you will join us and be part of the growing global ASE/OA Facilitator and Transpersonal/Wellness Coach community.
