Integrative Coaching - Whole Person Development

You can choose to go back to safety or forward toward growth.
Growth must be chosen again and again. 
Fear must be overcome again and again.

– Abraham Maslow –




The methods used in the ASE Integrative Coaching Program are based on well established principles in psychology including applied transformative practices for harnessing your full potential on all levels and in all contexts.

ASE Integrative Coaching ProgramWith the guidance and support of a Licenced ASE Facilitator/Coach, you will have the opportunity to address the five main contexts that underpin the way in which you experience yourself and your life – these being the physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual contexts. By working on these five levels systematically, you can create a synergistic energy to propel your life forward.  

In six sessions – one per week – you can take care of the main issues and challenges in each context, establishing wiser and more resourceful responses in all situations, while tapping into your deeper sources of knowledge, creativity and motivation to achieve your desired outcome in each context.

After each session you will be given a context specific practice to help you prevent any potential issues that may limit your ongoing success, so that you can continue moving toward your desired outcomes with greater ease in each context. These practices typically involve easy and enjoyable exercises – like taking a few deep breaths, looking at a situation from different perspectives, or applying a simple mindfulness based skill, for example. The exercises are selected and customised according to your needs and goals in each context as well as your overall objective for the program as a whole.

In the sixth session you will consolidate your insights from the program and establish a personalised ASE Practice (merging your distinct practices from each context) for the purpose of integrating your new state, perspectives and resources into all relevant areas of your life.

The success and sustainability of your ASE Practice pivots on the vision and energy of fulfilling your core needs and values in each context, by which you become motivated to keep it up. The program is designed to set you up for success in the long term by ensuring that everything is in place for you to engage in your daily ASE Practice without hindrance. After five weeks you will know what makes you come alive  – on every level – and you will know how to integrate this into all areas of your life.

The ASE Integrative Coaching Program is facilitated by Licensed ASE Facilitators and Transpersonal Coaches who have received specialised training and who undergo supervision with Licensed ASE Trainers.

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Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to highlight the importance of addressing core needs and values on all levels in the coaching process

Maslow's Hierarchy of NeedsIn his famous theory of motivation, Psychologist Abraham Maslow (1954), first described four levels of fundamental human needs: 1. physical needs, 2. safety needs, 3. love and belonging, 4. esteem. He referred to these as deficiency needs, since a deficiency of them will motivate behaviours in an attempt to fulfil them. This is a most observable theory, since we can see how it occurs in our own lives.

According to this theory, deficiency needs must be satisfied in order for us to aspire to higher order needs, which, in the context of motivation, can be considered highly valued criteria (values). With the exception of self-actualization, these higher values were not yet part of Maslow’s original theory, but were referred to in his more recent publications, (E.G.,  Maslow, 1970a,b and 1971). Building upon esteem needs, the higher values include 5. cognitive values – knowledge, understanding and meaning, 6. aesthetic values – beauty, balance and form, 7. self-actualization values – peak experiences and realizing one’s true potential/purpose, and 8. transcendence values – altruism and the integration of transpersonal perspectives. In Maslow’s words “Transcendence refers to the very highest and most inclusive or holistic levels of human consciousness, behaving and relating, as ends rather than means, to oneself, to significant others, to human beings in general, to other species, to nature, and to the cosmos” (Maslow, 1971 p. 269).


Cultivating potential on all levels and in all contexts

ASE Integrative Coaching ProgramFor practical purposes in coaching, the ASE Integrative Coaching Program model refers only to the five levels of needs/values in Maslow’s original theory, with self-actualization serving as a basis for all of the higher values – from cognitive through to transcendence values. By fulfilling each of the five levels of needs/values, you will be optimizing the conditions for growth and development in each of the respective five contexts – physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual – thereby cultivating your potential on all levels and in all contexts.

As complex beings, our emotions and behaviours can be motivated by different needs and values on any level – depending on the circumstances we face. However, Maslow (1954) argued that a particular need will dominate at any given time. This makes sense, since we can relate it to our own experience again – by identifying that our current behaviour is always driven by our most dominant need and/or value in the moment. Thus, in coaching, by eliciting the client’s current dominant need and/or value in each context, the coach can help them to identify the intention behind their present (less resourceful or negative) behaviours. Next, using one of the approaches described below, the coach can then help the client to achieve more resourceful and ethical behaviours, which also fulfil their dominant need and/or value. In this way, the client’s intrinsic motivation strategies can be harnessed to generate success momentum toward the fulfilment of their needs and values in each context. This process, according to Maslow’s model, promotes an evolution of needs and values that typically leads to higher order functioning, characterised by greater levels of integration and wholeness. The experience of this in everyday life may be increased levels of clarity, creativity, flow, performance, behavioural flexibility, emotional freedom, empathy and a deeper sense of meaning in life.

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The role of open awareness in the coaching process

ASE Integrative Coaching ProgramThe quest to fulfill one’s dominant need in any context typically becomes the primary focus of one’s attention – either consciously or subconsciously. This can be both a blessing or a curse, depending on the need that one is striving to fulfil and one’s level of awareness in the process. In addition to one’s needs, attention and awareness also play a determining role our experiences. The principle of where attention goes, neural firing flows, and neural connection grows, espoused by Dr Daniel Siegel (2018) suggests that attention directs energy and influences the brain as well as our range of responses in any given situation.

In stressful situations, including experiences of emotional reactivity, anxiety, fear, anger, envy, regret, sadness and loneliness, as well as in instances involving negative behaviour, attention is usually fixated on the trigger of the problem. I refer to this as tunnel awareness. We also find ourselves in tunnel awareness when our attention has become locked in by digital devices, for example, the zombie mode of smartphones addicts. In this state we have great difficulty accessing our full potential to respond resourcefully, mindfully and empathically to people and circumstances in our the world around us (Dängeli, 2020). Left unresolved, the state of tunnel awareness may manifest into a personality trait and become our default mode in life. Research suggests that repeated states can become traits (e.g. Perry et al, 1995), therefore being able to identify the triggers of tunnel awareness along with having the skills to reopen the aperture of your awareness is of tremendous value.

The flip-side of tunnel awareness is open awareness (OA), which can be described as “the flow of pure experience interconnected with the rest of reality” (Dangeli n.d.).

More specifically:

  • OA is a mindful mode of perception accompanied by a calm and receptive state.
  • OA cultivates metacognitive introspective awareness – in which the mind can observe its own state and activities – an awareness of the mind itself.
  • OA enhances extrospective awareness – sensory perceptions and somatic experience.
  • OA reframes one’s current experience of self, placing phenomena within one’s expanded awareness, as opposed to these being perceived as separate from oneself. This reduces distress, enhances intuition and promotes a sense of interconnection, which in turn promotes empathy and compassion.
    ASE Integrative Coaching ProgramCoaches and facilitators who are trained in how to apply OA skills are able to help their clients to accurately identify the trigger of their presenting issue, and then guide them to anchor OA in that situation, thereby counteracting any negative effects of the trigger. By doing so, not only does the client establish a more desirable and balanced response to the trigger, their dominant need in that context is met with more understanding and equanimity. This affords them the freedom and flexibility to shift their focus onto a more positive and meaningful outcome, including the resourceful actions that can lead toward the fulfilment and sustainability of that outcome.

Furthermore, OA equips coaches and facilitators with an effective means to hold the space for the client’s growth and transformation (Dängeli and Geldenhuys, 2017). This approach promotes deep rapport between the coach and the client, enabling both to be open, receptive and responsive  in the process. OA also serves as the basis of the Transpersonal Coaching Model – which is one of the primary means of intervention used in the coaching sessions of the ASE Integrative Coaching Program.


The Transpersonal Coaching Model in the ASE Integrative Coaching Program

The Transpersonal Coaching ModelThe Transpersonal Coaching Model (TCM) is perfectly suited for application in all contexts, as it is a highly versatile coaching model with a variety of versions designed to address the needs/values and goals on all levels of human experience. The TCM equips coaches to help their clients update the unconscious programs and patterns that give rise to their current thoughts, feelings, behaviors and their resulting circumstances. It enables clients to establish more resourceful states and perspectives, and then integrate these into the contexts where they experience challenges.

Depending on the issue/challenge raised by the client for coaching, there will be at least one version of the TCM (incorporating OA) that can be used for this purpose. We have written extensively about the TCM in other articles and in the Transpersonal Coaching Handbook (2022).


How the ASE Integrative Coaching Program works

There are six one-to-one sessions in this coaching program, each spread one week apart. Follow up sessions after the 5-week program are optional. Each session lasts between 60 to 70 minutes.

Whilst the program can work well to help clients achieve greater levels of success in just about any pursuit, being integrative and holistic, it can also serve as a means to escalate the client’s level of personal development and to help them progress toward self actualisation and transcendence (should this be of value to them).

Prior to the first session, the prospective client fills in a ‘Needs and Values Elicitation Form’ which is designed to elicit their current dominant needs/values on each level – 1. physiological, 2. safety, 3. love and belonging, 4. esteem, 5. self-actualization. Included is a ‘Needs and Values Fulfillment Scale’ to identify their present levels of satisfaction in terms of fulfilling their needs/values on all 5 levels. The form also elicits the client’s desired outcomes in each of the five contexts – 1. physical, 2. mental, 3. emotional, 4. interpersonal, 5. spiritual. Lastly, the form elicits the client’s overall objective for the program as a whole.

Following each session the client will be given a context specific practice (for one week) to help them integrate their experience from that session. This can also serve to develop competency and deepen motivation to continue their proactive commitment to their desired outcome. These practices typically involve simple ASE (including Open Awareness) exercises – most of which take only a few minutes and may be done at an at allocated time during the day or can be applied in specific situations. Each week’s practice is selected and customised according to the client’s needs and goals in each context, as well as their overall objectives for the program as a whole.

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Session 1 – Addressing the body, physical health and energy

The first session is dedicated to working with the client’s physiological needs with regards to helping them establish their desired outcome in this context, while bearing in mind that this outcome should support the fulfilment of the higher needs/values that will be addressed in the successive sessions. Whilst each session focuses on the client’s personal needs and aspirations in the specific context, examples of what may be considered in the physiological context include taking optimal care of the body’s basic needs and its requirements for optimal performance, e.g., water, nutrition, sleep, rest, movement/activity, space/environment, physical health and well-being, input/output, energy, etc.


Session 2 – Focusing on issues like stress, burnout, overwhelm and negative states of mind

In the second session, the client’s safety and security needs are addressed, including their desired outcome in terms of development in the mental (intellectual, mind state) context. Once again, the client’s personal needs and aspirations in this context determine the focus of the session. Typical examples of what may be considered in this context may include personal security, emotional security, financial security, mental health and well-being, attention, concentration, memory, etc.


Session 3 – Freeing oneself from debilitating emotions – gaining clarity and flow

In the third session, the client’s love and belonging needs are addressed, and their desired outcome in the context of emotions (emotion regulation, emotional freedom, emotional intelligence) is also a determining factor of the focus in this session. Typical examples of what emerges for resolution in this session can include overwhelming emotions, negative emotional reactions, lack of emotional engagement, disconnection from emotions, family disharmony, friendship or intimacy challenges, commitment or companionship issues, etc.


Session 4 – Connecting, communicating and collaborating with confidence

In the fourth session, the client’s esteem needs are addressed, including their desired outcome in the interpersonal context. The issues and outcomes that are usually focused on in this session are often interwoven with those that were focussed on in the previous session, thus, this session may serve as a continuation of the previous process. Examples of what is typically focussed on in this session include: low confidence, relationship conflicts, acceptance issues (regarding self or others), work or social group concerns, respect and/or recognition issues, communication problems, inferiority complexes, people pleasing behaviours, difficulties in connecting with people, discomfort being alone, independence issues, limited ability to empathize or feel compassion (toward oneself or others), etc.


Session 5 – Accessing one’s sources of aliveness and embodying open awareness

In the fifth session, the client’s values relating to self-actualization are addressed. Such values may include cognitive values (e.g. acquiring knowledge, understanding and meaning), aesthetic values (e.g. bringing about beauty, balance and form), self-actualization values (e.g. manifesting peak experiences and realizing one’s true potential) and transcendence values (e.g. cultivating altruism and integrating transpersonal/spiritual perspectives into one’s life). Examples of issues that may be raised for resolution in this session can include a loss of meaning in life, lack of purpose, existential issues, spiritual awakening/crisis, making sense of changes in perspective, integrating significant life experiences, etc.


Session 6 – Integrating insights and setting up success in the 5 contexts

In the sixth session, the client will be guided to consolidate their insights from the previous 5 sessions and from their 5 weeks of engaging in the ASE exercises. Any ‘loose ends’ will be tied and the client’s overall objective for the coaching program will be crystallized in terms of commitment to next steps and the journey ahead toward the fulfillment of their clearly defined vision or purpose. Also within this last session, the coach will help the client to map out their personalised ASE Practice (merging their distinct practices from each context) for the purpose of integrating their new state, perspectives and resources into all the relevant areas of their life. Finally, the coach ensures that the client is congruent in their commitment to follow through with their ASE Practice and that they are clear and confident within themselves in terms of the process that they have undergone over the past 5 weeks, and in terms of their outlook going forward.


The ASE Integrative Coaching Program is approved by the International Association of Coaches, Therapists & Mentors (IACTM)Post program follow-up

One month after the last session, the client is asked to revisit the ‘Needs and Values Fulfillment Scale’ in their pre-program Elicitation Form, and to fill that in once again in order to compare their current score to their score prior to commencing with the program. The client is encouraged to email their current score to their coach in order to celebrate their success, and to discuss if follow up sessions may be useful.

Fees & Bookings

If you are interested in learning how to facilitate the ASE Integrative Coaching Program, visit the Transpersonal Coach Training page

For more information contact us

  • My journey with Jevon has been nothing short of transformational.  The components of the training were well-structured, interactive, engaging and most importantly, the methods work! I'm so glad I found this course, as not only did I learn to help others improve their self-development I also really developed within myself too. I felt safe and so supported to be vulnerable in the space Jevon held.  I'm in awe of Jevon's knowledge and ability to explain complex topics with ease and simplicity. I left this course with the confidence to begin my own ethical and ecological coaching practice, and serve people in a safe way which ensures powerful results.

    Aimie Duggan Teacher & Coach

  • I got so many important learnings out of the training and felt very supported and taken care of even though it was an online setting. I really liked the fact that you answered all my questions super quickly and thoroughly via e-mail and that the course had a clear structure with reachable milestones. Also, thank you for the wonderful zoom sessions, I always felt excited and even more motivated afterwards!

    Chiara Richter Student

  • I have felt supported, held and encouraged by Jevon. At every opportunity he has made himself available for feedback and further questions. The transpersonal coaching course that he leads at Alef Tust has in some way for me pulled together all previous learnings and study into an integrated sacred wholeness. It’s not an idea or theory of possible wholeness, it’s a deeply felt sense of wholeness.

    Marilyn Cawley University Professor

  • Thank you so very much for the [Open Awarness] masterclass you gave us. Your structure, process and language was nothing short of superb. The response from the participants was superlative. I was especially taken by the beautiful way you held the space. Gentle, strong, present, connected. Jevon, that was really beautiful. Hats off to you! Thank you so much for your generosity, with your time, expertise and with your Spirit.

    Laura Spicer Director of Sound Practice for the SNLP

  • Dear Jevon and Hennie, I wanted to give you some feedback for the ASE course we did 2 months ago: I feel more fully part of this world. Fear is no longer my default setting. This frees me up to think more clearly and make conscious choices instead of just reacting in stressful situations. It's allowing me to trust myself more and things work out. Such a relief. I feel like I let something a whole back-pack of other peoples stuff. And when I eat, I no longer feel like it may be the last meal I ever have. There is no longer a sense of panic around food. I cant tell you how incredible this is. It is SO freeing. I also noticed that I stand up for myself unapologetically now. I am enjoying quietly watching this all unfolding from the inside. Life changing, freedom! There are no words that can really explain or express the impacts and ripple effects...and my gratitude!

    Jessica Gird NGO manager

  • The ASE course is transformative. Thank you for the space you held for each of us. Your passion and delivery of the course is really inspiring. I enjoyed the way the course was structured and the pace at which it was set.  We had a good amount of opportunity to practice. I really valued our “open circle” time in the morning and the way that you allowed the content and flow of the day to be guided around those topics.

    Julie Devitto Teacher

  • Jevon presents an incredible program that has the potential to give people the ability to access the well-spring of human excellence in all of us. For too long we have all suffered silently yet Jevon’s course provides personal development processes that allow the individual to experience authentic Self empowerment. I highly recommend this course.

    Tariq Juneja Entrepreneur

  • I enjoyed the ASE course thoroughly and it exceeded my expectations. I enjoyed the fact that it was not airy-fairy stuff, but based on neurological and psychological facts, but still had a powerful effect on me as a human being.

    My biggest insight was that I can change my “filters” and “programming” (neurological pathways) from a young age up to now to have a better and more baggage free life and that I can live more aware and mindful every day and experience other people and life in a new way.

    Aisie Sinclair Businessman

  • What I enjoyed most about the ASE Emersion event is that the methodology works... I feel empowered. I have tools that can guide me and enable me to be more in control of my life, thoughts and actions. Life does not have to be auto-pilot! Sometimes in the past... it felt as if life was happening to me... I now feel that I can affect life, in how I feel, experience and engage with life... future, past and present.

    Marius Botha Agriculture

  • I loved every moment of the course. My greatest learning was that I am so much more than what I ever could have dreamt of. Broken to whole. Sad to strong. Heavy to light. Lost to found. Dark to bright. Crumbling to solid. Empty to complete. Seeking to fulfilled. Hope to reality!

    Lana Sinclair Mother & business owner

  • Jevon's vast knowledge and profound way of facilitating this course is outstanding, I got much more than what I expected!

    Ursula Scholtz ASE Facilitator

  • This course is magical and transformational – at last I feel competent and confident to do what needs to be done. Jevon and the lovely group created a fun, authentic, kind, gentle and safe space for learning.

    Geertje Bredenkamp ASE Facilitator

  • Jevon remains grounded and real at all times, which creates the best environment for learning. ASE is a great tool that is versatile and fluid. It is also a fool-proof modality.

    Scholastica Williams Human Rights Activist

  • I felt understood at all times, integrated and encouraged. The group was so well guided by Jevon despite the different personalities. I really learnt to believe in my abilities – thank you!

    Estie Teale Business woman

  • Jevon and the group created a powerful connection between all of us and a beautiful bond. The venue was also awesome. I have learnt how to deal with my own perceived issues and can now help others in an easy, well-structured way.

    Jason Newmark Entrepreneur

  • ASE has offered me new ideas, new concepts and new learnings. Everybody can benefit from some ASE nourishment, even if they have no issues. Thank you Jevon!

    Mandy Beart ASE Facilitator

  • The ASE approach is profound in that it inspires answers that really bring about healing and freedom. Awesome!

    Arnold Hofmeyr ASE Facilitator

  • ASE Facilitator Training is for anyone who is willing and open to shifting how life's challenges can be healed and transformed in a practical, do-able and user-friendly way.

    Joanne Moss Coach

  • I am very excited about the great change that has taken place in me on a day to day and moment to moment basis during the pre-study and attendance of the ASE Facilitator Training as well as the Advanced ASE Facilitator Training.

    Mika Button  Secretary

  • Some deep and fundamental work was done. A truly warming and wonderful experience.

    Gillian Barber Recruiter



Dängeli, J. (2020). Exploring the phenomenon of open awareness and its effects on stress and burnout. Consciousness, Spirituality & Transpersonal Psychology, 1, 76-91.

Dängeli, J. (2017). The Open Awareness Handbook. Ebook.

Dängeli, J. (2018). The Transpersonal Coaching Handbook. Ebook.

Dängeli, J. and Geldenhuys, H. (2018). Open Awareness – Holding the Liminal Space in Coaching and Therapy. Integral Transpersonal Journal. April, 2018, pp. 105-117.

Maslow, A. H. (1954). Motivation and personality. New York, NY: Harper & Row.

Maslow, A. H. (1970a). Motivation and personality. Second Edition. New York: Harper & Row.

Maslow, A. H. (1970b). Religions, values, and peak experiences. New York: Penguin.

Maslow, A. H. (1971). Farther Reaches of Human Nature, New York, p. 269. The Viking Press.

Open Awareness (n.d.)

Perry, B. D., Pollard, R. A., Blaicley, T. L.,  Baker, W. L., Vigilante, D. (1995). Childhood Trauma, the Neurobiology of Adaptation, and “Use-dependent” Development of the Brain: How “States” Become “Traits”. Infant Mental Health Journal, Vol. 16, No. 4.

Siegel, D. (2018). Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence. TarcherPerigee


The ASE Integrative Coaching Program is a comprehensive, systematic and holistic approach to personal growth and flourishing

For more information contact us

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