With Mindful Resilience Coach & Burnout Specialist
Jevon Dangeli
Bad Segeberg, Vitalia Seehotel, 1-2 November 2014
(also presented on request)

Learn how to:
- Cope with stress and reduce its harmful effects
- Improve mental, emotional & physical resilience
- Sustain resourcefulness amidst demands and time pressure
- Identify the precursors to burnout and respond to them wisely
- Approach challenges with confidence and broadly balanced perspectives
- Rapidly transform reactive states into creative and productive responses
- Establish and maintain mindfulness at work, at home and in social settings

Option: combine this seminar with our Rejuvenation Retreat (2 seminar days plus 2 retreat days)
Stress distracts us from making the clear, creative and composed choices that enable us to be more successful in all our endeavours. At this seminar you will learn how to not be negatively effected by stress, freeing yourself to think and behave resourcefully. You will gain the knowledge and skills to activate your whole mind for improved functioning and performance.
Excessive stress can lead to burnout and spill over into other areas of the affected person’s life – jeopardising their
performance, motivation, personal relationships and social life.
This can result in depression, anxiety and psychosomatic disorders,
as well as destructive behaviours toward self and others.
Burnout is known to cause dysfunction in individuals, amongst couples, as well as within organisations — resulting in lower productivity, higher absenteeism, poorer morale and performance issues. The awareness expanding skills taught in this seminar will enable you to identify the early symptoms of burnout and deal with them effectively so that you can continue to be productive without draining your inner
Resilience is the ability to maintain elasticity and buoyancy in the face of adversity. Mindfulness approaches are proven to develop a long-term state of resilience by enhancing physical, mental, and social well-being. The simple mindfulness based skills taught at this seminar will
enable you to improve self-regulation of your emotions,
enhance your focus of attention and cultivate mental flexibility
– which in turn promotes resilience toward stress and burnout.

This uplifting and inspiring seminar will equip you will practical skills that you can begin using immediately in order to bring more of You to Life!
Location: Bad Segeberg,
Vitalia Seehotel
Date/time: 1-2 November 2014, 10:00 – 17:00 (includes decadent lunches & refreshments)
Fee: €390.- or €470.- (with luxury accommodation, breakfast and Wellness Center/Spa access)
Note: You are welcome to combine this seminar with our Rejuvenation Retreat
(2 seminar days plus 2 retreat days – with all your needs taken care of for 4 days)
More information: This seminar is one of our specialised ASE Emersion events
Those attending this seminar get a complimentary Mindful Resilience Programme
Please contact us for bookings and information