How to Change Your Life Story

How to Change Your Life Story

How to Change Your Life Story by Jevon DängeliIs the story you tell yourself true?

Since the way in which people define their reality is based on their perceptions and defined metaphorically through language (stories), insight and change of any internal and subjective representation will have a direct result in that person’s external and objective experience. For this reason, changes in metaphoric representation effects cognition, which in turn generates new thoughts, feelings and behaviour.

Just as any problem is created through the conditioned perceptual filters of the mind (stories), so too can the solution be found by means of new expanded and resourceful perceptions being brought into awareness.

So, if you are experiencing stress or an emotional struggle in any area of your life, and if you would like to resolve this, ask yourself the following:

  1. What is the story I’m telling myself?
  2. Where does this come from, who’s story is it really?
  3. How would I experience myself without that story?
  4. Which authentic story will I choose to believe in now?
  5. What does my authentic story inspire me to do next?

Keep your authentic story alive through taking the actions that it inspires!

Written by Jevon Dangeli – ASE Developer, NLP Trainer & Coach
